EENTITLE Project Kick-Off Meeting
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- Events
The event featured a comprehensive agenda, including practical welcome sessions, detailed presentations on work packages, project management discussions, implementation guidelines, and the appointment of partner representatives for each work package (WP). The activities aimed to discuss various aspects of the project’s management, preparation, institutional rewarding systems, pilot capacity development centers, professional registration, and inclusive social recognition.
Key activities across several work packages were highlighted to enhance the capacity and recognition of Ecuadorian engineering educators:
- WP1 – Management and Coordination: Focused on project oversight and administrative processes.
- WP2 – Preparation: Covered groundwork on recent advances in engineering education in Europe and Ecuador relevant to the project’s implementation.
- WP3 – Institutional Rewarding System: Discussed the establishment of incentives within institutions.
- WP4 – Pilot Capacity Development Centers: Involved the setup of centers dedicated to capacity development.
- WP5 – Capacity Development Centers Network: Aimed at creating a network of these centers.
- WP6 – Professional Registration: Addressed the process for professional development program accreditation and engineering educators’ registration.
- WP7 – Inclusive Social Recognition: Focused on strategies for broader social acknowledgment and acceptance of the need for competency development among engineering educators.
- WP8 – Quality Assurance: Encompassed measures for maintaining project standards and effectiveness.
- WP9 – Impact and Dissemination: Dealt with the dissemination of project achievements and results.
The event successfully facilitated both bilateral and multilateral contacts among participants and concluded with discussions on quality assurance, impact, dissemination, and the future steps of the project.