ESPOCH Coordinated Workshop on Inclusive and Social Recognition
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On March 11, 2024, as one of the initial actions of the EENTITLE project, ESPOCH academic and administrative staff conducted a workshop to develop a consensual concept in collaboration with representatives of the National Council for the Equality of Disabilities – CONADIS. At the event, it was established that inclusive social recognition refers to valuing and accepting individual and collective diversity, promoting the active, equal and equitable participation of all people in society, without discrimination in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The meeting was attended by; the EENTITLE ESPOCH team, representatives of teachers, students and CONADIS. They worked on the Characterization of the teacher’s profile (educator), in the context of the Ecuadorian Engineering educaTors capaciTy deveLopment and rEcognition Project – EENTITLE.
This workshop marks the beginning of a collaborative process that seeks not only to improve the training of educators, but also to generate a cultural change that allows a more inclusive and accessible education for all. The EENTILE project will continue to develop activities that strengthen teacher training and promote the integration of students with disabilities, ensuring equal academic development opportunities for everyone.